i'm me don't be an asshole and run form the truth. the most painful thing that ever happened to me was not physically!
title: new friend? sleep!munch! well have been having a hell of a week~ good and bad. i've making a sorta new friend name: melvin.phone buddy! well exams are killer and still not done yet. well will be back soon and will edit soon so if you want me to link will do it after exams! patience everyone! have been listening to SHINEE! lately and other bands will promote them soon! signing off SYIMMS;D IMY~arman, kai ling, eunice! |
title: EXAM~T.T exams are the worst!
well had e-math paper 1 & ss today. hated the freaking math paper. think i didn't do like majority of the paper. feeling horrible about the math paper. however, after during recess borrowed melvin's ss note! woots to that yall thanks to that i manage to get almost all the points for section B. studied then suddenly eqa and i got restless and started being random, i started first then eqa got the diesease! started making lame jokes!and laughing non stop then went back to class and studied again. sorry to boob and ah ong thought you guys saw us we were studying. "How poor are they who have not patience! What wound did ever heal but by degrees." -William Shakespeare i still mean what i said with the post below |
title: friendship?
as life goes on my eyes starts to blur and i tend to need support. however i no matter how much i wonder around i just can't seem to find it, i feel as though multiple knives have been stabbed to my body and all i'm doing is crying myself to a dead sleep. i'm sorry i didn't give you the answer you wanted. however, i treasure friendship more then anything. i'm not ready for changes. and that is why all i can say is sorry. many people can do lots of stuff to expres their feeling but my words means the most to me.heartache and everything that is happening is becoming a daily dosage for me. it has turned into drugs where it numb my every feeling. the smile on my face is it just for laughs or is it not? . END left to wonder save me! help |